Welcome to Horfield Methodist Church. We are a friendly church in the centre of Horfield, Bristol, with a congregation of all ages and a range of backgrounds and nationalities. We are registered as an Inclusive Church, a network of churches, groups and individuals uniting together around a shared vision which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate, something we aspire for our church and the wider community. Underpinning all this is our firm belief that all are created in God’s image and all are one in Jesus Christ.
We meet for morning worship each Sunday at 10am, and via Zoom for those wanting to join online. If you are feeling unwell or showing any of the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 please stay at home and seek medical advice. We continue to support those who choose not to come into the church building or are unable to do so by broadcasting the service on Zoom and providing written devotional material in the notices. If you would like support to with joining via Zoom by ‘phone or your own electronic device, please get in touch.
If you are interested in holding your wedding, a baptism or funeral in our church, please contact our minister. Our church is available for same-sex weddings, following the decision by the Methodist Church to give local churches the option to conduct same sex marriages, our church council voted in favour of taking this step, with same-sex couples now able to hold their marriage ceremonies here.
Our website includes details of our activities, including our weekly toddler group (Little Fishes), Art Club and our monthly Messy Church together with links to other organisations who use our premises.
We work closely with our sister church in Bishopston, a smaller fellowship which meets at 10.30am on Sunday morning. Please visit their website for details of their worship and community activities.
Together we hope to welcome all, serve the community and spread God’s love.
(Photo credit: theworshipcloud.com)
Pour out your Spirit, O God,
that we may fulfil your great commandment to love our neighbour
with every beat of our heart,
with the deep yearning of our soul,
with all the imagination of our mind,
and as if our own life depended on it.
(Methodist Prayer Handbook, 2022-23)
Rev Martin Slocombe